Coldcalling services

Intercomm Coldcalling, in the person of Mrs. Marie-Jos Vos, has 20 years experience in making appointments for companies. With the help of a superb way of putting a telephone-script together, prospects of her clients are called and appointments are gotten for her client.

She has become so experienced in this art of communication that she has been giving Seminars on this subject for the last 4 years. Besides giving them in Holland, she has given Seminars and Trainings in Central European countries as well.

Moreover, she has written a book about it: The Art of Coldcalling.

It has been published in Dutch and is being type set in English right now. It is being translated into Slovakian and Bulgarian at this moment. Other languages are following.

When you want more information on possibilities and prices of making appointments or giving Seminars or Trainings, please contact Marie-Jose via: Intercommcoldcalling or

T: +316 44 00 52 27 or +3120 3701838


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